You probably know that old homes tend to attract higher insurance rates than relatively new ones. However, you don't have to resign yourself to these high rates; there are measures that you can take to manage the rates. Upgrading these three critical systems is a good place to start:
Heating System
Many old homes have heating systems that are considered dangerous by today's standards. This may be because the installations have deteriorated or there are newer/safer systems today. Unstable heating systems are dangerous; they can cause serious injuries or even burn down the house.
For example, old oil tanks are vulnerable to rust and leakage. Since heating oil is highly inflammable, a leak poses a serious risk of fire. Apart from that, a serious spill can cause an environmental hazard that would be very costly to clean up. Therefore, it's advisable to inspect your oil tank and replace it if it's unstable.
It's not just the oil tank that you need to worry about; you need to inspect all parts of your heating system to ensure they pose no risk to your home. For example, your water heater, wood stove, and underfloor heating all need to be in their top conditions.
Electrical System
This is another dangerous one if it isn't properly maintained. Here are some dangers associated with old electrical installations:
- Frayed or damaged wire insulation.
- Ungrounded wiring that increases the risk of electrical shock.
- Rusty junction boxes.
- Low capacity installations that increase the risk of overload and its associated problems such as fire.
Plumbing System
Lastly, you also need to have your plumbing system inspected and upgraded if there is a need. An old plumbing system is a ticking time bomb. A burst water pipe, for instance, can cause serious damage to your house, especially if it happens when nobody is around. Hidden leaks encourage mold growth, and mold is a serious health risk.
Some old plumbing systems were constructed with dangerous materials such as lead. Some were constructed with the right materials, but the materials have degraded over time. Both issues need to be fixed to reduce the risk of water damage.
Therefore, don't shy away from owning an old home, especially if insurance is your main worry. In fact, you can have your home inspected, fix any crucial issue that may crop up during the inspection, and furnish prospective insurers with the information. Most insurance companies will give you favorable rates if an inspection reveals that your old house is in a good condition. Check out sites like for more information.